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Optional trips

Discover Spain together with other exchange students!

Although your local coordinator might arrange small local trips and other leisure activities for you and other exchange students in your area, Get Ready also wants to give you all the opportunity to make the most of your experience and to discover what Spain has to offer.

If you participate in the Soft Landing Camps either in Barcelona, or in the  Online Spanish Prep Course at the end of the summer, at the end of the summer, the optional trips will be a great chance to meet all the friends you made there and to enjoy the amazing vibe experienced at the very beginning of your journey.

We want you to get a whole scope of Spain and to visit different regions and cities. As you might know, Spain is a diverse country and it’s much more than palm trees, flamenco, sevillanas, paella, bullfighting and «olé, olé».

Thus, we normally arrange two trips during the school year, offered to all exchange students at an extra cost. The first trip takes places at the beginning of December and it is a trip to San Sebastián. The 6th and the 8th of December are bank holidays in Spain and therefore the students are not to miss that much school. The second trip normally takes place in the month of May, almost by the end of your experience if you’re staying with us for a full school year, just before the final exam season. This trip goes to Portugal!

The trips normally last 4-5 days, and feature all kinds of activities so you get a full approach of the new area you are visiting: cultural and historical visits, customs and traditions, sports, cooking, music…

The accommodation normally takes place in cozy hostels, and breakfast and all activities are included in the price. You’ll also be supervised by Get Ready chaperons.

You’ll be informed about these trips by email. There are limited spots in order to guarantee smooth and effective logistics, as well as the best enjoyment of the whole group.

Haz tu curso de secundaria en USA 25/26. ¡Precio especial en programa USA J1 sólo hasta el 31 de octubre!